
134 2024-02-24 17:52


  歌名:《Cola》  歌手:Lana Del Rey  所属专辑:《Born to Die - The Paradise Edition》  发行时间:2012-11-13  流派:流行  歌曲语言:英语  歌词:  My pussy tastes like pepsi cola  My eyes are wide like cherry pies  I got sweet taste for men who're older  It's always been so it's no surprise  Harveys in the sky with diamonds  And it's making me crazy  All he wants to do is party with his pretty baby  Come on baby, let's ride  We can escape to the great sunshine  I know your wife and she wouldn't mind  We made it out to the other side  We made it out to the other side  We made it out to the other side  Come on come on come on come on baby  Woah ah yeah  I fall asleep with an american flag  I wear my diamonds on Skid Row  I pledge allegiance to my dad  for teaching me everything he knows  Harveys in the sky with diamonds  And it's making me crazy  All he wants to do is party with his pretty baby, yeah  Come on baby, let's ride  We can escape to the great sunshine  I know your wife and she wouldn't mind  We made it out to the other side  We made it out to the other side  We made it out to the other side  Drugs suck it up like vanilla icys  don’t treat me rough, treat me really niceys  decorate my neck  Diamantes ices  Woah come on come on Woah...  Come on baby, let's ride  We can escape to the great sunshine  I know your wife and she wouldn't mind  We made it out to the other side  Come on baby, let's ride  We can escape to the great sunshine  We made it out to the other side  We made it out to the other side  Come on come on come on baby  Come on come on come on baby  Woah ah  My pussy tastes like pepsi cola  Woah ah  My pussy tastes like pepsi cola  Woah...  My pussy tastes like pepsi cola...

二、lana rhodes个人作品?






铃木Liana(日语:スズキ・リアーナ,乃“Life In A New Age”之字首缩写)乃是日本铃木公司2001年至2007年间开发制造的四门紧凑型轿车、五门紧凑型多功能休旅车。



《拉娜之星》(Planet of Lana)围绕一个美丽的星球展开,游戏采用了电影化的风格,并请到了为《最后的守护者》制作配乐的作曲家古川毅制作音乐,游戏中玩家将扮演的小女孩主角将与她忠诚的同伴踏上拯救世界的冒险之旅,在充满冰冷机器与奇异生物的世界游历。

五、in the rain 还是on the rain?

应该是in the rain。在雨中。

而在雨天,则应该是on the rainy day 。

介词in ,在…之中。

in the rain 这个短语应注意两点:

第一,介词必须用in。第二,the,这个定冠词不能省。英语中表示自然现象前,一定要加定冠词,如,the weather, the rain, the wind…等。

Why on earth are you sitting there in the rain?


We walkedin the rain.


六、rain rain rain原唱歌词?

歌曲《rain rain》 

原唱歌手:lynne music project

Lyrics by:Traditional

Composed by:Traditional


Rain rain go away

Come again another day

Daddy wants to play

Rain rain go away

Rain rain go away

Come again another day

Mommy wants to play

Rain rain go away

Rain rain go away

Come again another day

Brother wants to play

Rain rain go away

Rain rain go away

Come again another day

Sister wants to play

Rain rain go away

Rain rain go away

Come again another day

Crazy wants to play

Rain rain go away

Rain rain go away

Come again another day

All the family wants to play

Rain rain go away

七、will rain 和is going to be rain?

will rain和be going to rain 的基本含义是大同小异。都表示"将要下雨了。"二者区别在于语义表达。

it will rain 是一个判断句。此句中的 will 可以有两种解释:一是无时间概念的判断,即常识性的陈述,而非实质意义上的“将来时”;另外一个是表达不会立即发生的行为或现象,即所谓“将来时”。

It is going to rain表达即将发生的行为或现象。如果说 it will rain 只是一个判断,尚不肯定是否马上会发生,it's going to rain 则不仅说马上要下雨,而且非常肯定一定会下雨。


提到nars 大家应该最熟悉的是豆沙色吧,还有最近很火的mona,但是lana是很正的橘红。很提气色。

